
Top 20 Japanese Quotes About Love and Dating

Japanese Quotes: Are you interested in Japanese wisdom? Do you wish you can learn that specific way to express your love to the one you love? Here are the top 20 Japanese Quotes About Love and Dating. The author has done justice on the topic, and I am sure it will help you find a lasting solution to your relationship problems.

Japanese Quotes
1. You must realize that people have the right to think differently than you think, and not do what you expect from them. They probably love you, but their love may not manifest itself the way you want it to.

2. The highest form of thought is always the thought that contains joy. The clearest words are those that contain the truth. The greatest feeling is that which you call love.

3. When you love, the sound of your heart is heard all around, when you hate –you can hear it in your head when you die – only you stop hearing it, but it remains with those who love you …

4. Love is the only deception that I would like to go through in spite of everything. Because of the fire of life, and the wings of youth, which it bestows, are the most valuable of all the things that exist in this world. More valuable than a broken heart, unjustified hopes … Maybe there are indeed miracles in life …

5. Love is temporary insanity. It collapses instantly, like an earthquake, and then gradually subsides. And it is at this time that you have to decide, to understand how tightly your roots have intertwined … if thoughts of parting are simply impossible … That is love. Anyone can experience love. Love is what remains when there is nothing left …

6. To love a person who simply likes your company is a miracle in itself. But it’s even better and more important is to find a soul mate in that person. A true soul mate is one who understands you like no one else, loves like no one else, who is always there, no matter what.
Here are some wise Japanese quotes about life you should definitely check out.

7. After all, love is something that needs to be learned, it is something that requires lots of practice. In addition, love is worth stealing for. If you do not steal a little bit of time and energy for love from yourself every day, you will never find it.

8. I love you and choose you, day after day, even when we are at a crazy distance. They say you have to fight for love. We must fight with ourselves, or rather, with our fears, doubts, and pride. And I am fighting.

9. When you reach the end of your life, the only thing that will have any meaning is the love that you gave and received. On your journey to the next world, the only thing you can take with you is love. The only valuable thing you leave in this world is love. Nothing else…
You should put these quotes to good use. Be sure to check out this Ukrainian dating site and find a partner online.

10. Love is pain and agony, shame, delight, heaven and hell, the feeling that your life is a hundred times harder than usual, and unspeakable longing, freedom, and slavery, peace, and anxiety.

11. A man in love becomes different. He looks deep into the eyes of the one he loves. So deep that at this moment you freeze and you don’t want to go anywhere. This is the moment when the time stops. You do not care, even if the planet will burn. You feel as if you were left alone in the whole universe.

12. Loving one person, taking care of them until their death, raising children, living a good life, being a good friend, trying to find out who a really am, being in love and being loved – these are all of my goals in life.

13. What could be nicer than telling a funny story to a person you love, and watch how a pretty face lights up with a smile, and hearing the way her laughter echoes your laugh, so that you yourself begin to laugh even harder; what could be nicer than sharing the joy of a good joke with a person you love?

14. Love is about understanding and sharing. Love is about finding good in everything, it is about a sense of hope. A person in love will always strive towards it. A person in love is able to forgive condemnation. Love is the only thing that can let a person forgive someone else, even if the latter is unable to forgive themselves. There is no spectacle more beautiful in the world than love, there is nothing in this world but love.

15. No, there is not one step between love and hate. In fact, there is a great wall between the two feelings, and there are armed guards on both sides of it.

16. When I say that I love you, I do not say this out of habit, but in order to remind you that you are the best thing that happened in my life.

17. Despite all the differences, they had something that united them both – they were crazy in love with each other.

18. A person can be forced to do anything, even to betray, kill, and rob, but they can never be forced to love since their heart is empty.

19. Love is the beginning and the end of our existence. There is no life without love. That is why it is love to which a wise man bows to.

20. It is very easy to fall in love with a person whom you do not know at all, and it is infinitely more difficult to continue to love a person whom you have studied for the past few decades.

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